A Simple Truth…

Our way forward together is clear and simple, but simple does not mean easy. We are all too capable of creating complexity, complications, myriad excuses and justifications for our behavior. Simple is just too obvious for us to believe. However, the Simple fact is that Ignorance in all its forms, along with the suffering it causes, manifests in our lives when we forget the Truth.

The Truth is that we, and everything we are experiencing, are naturally and effortlessly arising — interdependent and interconnected with everything and everyone else.

This arising from moment to moment is given to us freely — a Divine Gift of Inter-Being. Every breath, feeling, thought, sensation, emotion, loved one, friend, child…Everything is given to us. The Simple question to ask is whether we recognize this Gift and experience sincere, heartfelt gratitude? Do our Hearts swell with an ocean of gratefulness as we recognize that every moment is a brand new, fresh opportunity to simply remember the Truth. The Truth that is always Right Here and Right Now. Right in front of us, and all around us.

When we are grateful moment-by-moment for the Gift of Inter-Being, it is impossible to be anything other than a kind, caring, and loving person — full of wonder and joy for this naturally arising, deeply mysterious experience we call Reality. Resolve with deep Intention and aspiration to remember the Truth and swim in the ocean of Gratitude.

Remember the Source of your arising…
Remember the Source to which you will return…
Be full of Gratitude and do your work in the world…

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